Draw Near to God

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February 23, 2013 by jesuslovespuertorico

As my wife and I flew to Puerto Rico from New York, just a week after Hurricane Sandy had hit, all there was around us were clouds, and only ocean below.  For some, flying is a most uncomfortable experience. I do fine, but it is a bit of a strange feeling being a little speck in the sky.

We had expected to see some sight of land before we got to Puerto Rico, at least Haiti and the Dominican Republic.  We didn’t.  Finally we did see the island of Puerto Rico.  As we drew near, it was a comforting feeling to know we would have our feet on solid ground again.  As we landed, the Puerto Ricans let out a cheer.  This is a custom, we learned later.  We enjoyed the tradition; there is no place like home, and home is on the ground no matter how much you enjoy the flight.

The story is a good illustration for life with God and apart from Him.  Apart from God we are like that little speck in sky dependent on whatever circumstances surround us.  You know, like being in an airliner in the middle of the sky.  There is not much you are going to be able to do to change direction or assure your safe landing.  You are dependent on the machine and the pilots.

With God we can have our feet firmly planted, settled and great opportunity before us.  But we need to live in light of that fact.  Jesus told his disciples If you abide in me and my word abides in you, then you will bear much fruit.  The same is true for us too.

But let’s ask ourselves a question: are we like the little speak in the sky? Or are we firmly plant in Him?

Let’s look at this in more practical terms. How do you feel (deep in your spirit)? Is there something not right?  Do you feel unsettled?  Maybe it is an agitation in your “insides” (your soul).   Or maybe a there is a confusion of mind from the busyness and demands of your day.  Or perhaps a sorrow of heart because of trials you are going through.  In any case, it is time to draw near to God.

Do you know how to draw near to God?  If you do, wait no longer- draw near.

If you feel lost in how to draw near to Him, (or maybe you just need some reminders) let me give you a few ideas*.

First, quiet yourself before the Lord.  Discern the state of your soul, heart, and mind?  Are you able to be quiet?  If not, why? Is it care and concern and busyness of mind?  Is it a violated conscience?

Pray.  This is the obvious way to draw near to the Lord.  Talk to the Lord and let him take your burdens.  Cast you care upon him, for he cares for you.  Pour out your complaint before the Lord for His review.  Don’t just go around complaining to others or grumbling in your heart.  This does not please the Lord.  It is one of the things he hates in mankind.

If you are finding it hard to pray, then I would suggest reading the Psalms.   Has reproach broken your heart?  Then Psalms is the place to be.  Are you full of heaviness, and you have looked for someone to take pity, but there was none? Then you will find help in the Psalms.  Have you needed someone to comfort you, but there was no one?  These troubles are all found in Psalm 69:20.  It is interesting in the next verse, They gave me also gall for my meat and for my thirst they gave me vinegar to drink This messianic Psalm is a prophecy of one aspect of Christ’s suffering on the cross.  Christ suffered reproach.  He was full of heaviness as our sin was placed on him; he had no comforter, and the Father turned from him as he became sin on our behalf.  Our Lord knows the feeling.  In the book of Hebrews we are told that he is a faithful high priest tested in all ways. That he is not a high priest that cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities. That He is able to comfort the afflicted.  Draw near.  Draw near to him.

The title of this exhortation comes from a verse from the book of JamesDraw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you. James 4:7.   It continues, cleanse your hands you sinners.  Repentance can be another critical step in drawing near to God.  Do you have sin you need to confess?  Humble yourself and confess to God.  He is faithful and just to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.  1 John 1:9.  Often the Lord would have us not only confess to Him.   If your sin is besetting or has directly impacted others, maybe you need to humble yourself and confess your faults to another as well. (James 5:15.)

God is not far off.  He is not only willing to receive us but desires and expects us to regularly come to him.  Otherwise we act like the Laodiceans who believed themselves to be so enriched that they had need of nothing.

Finally draw near to God in his promises.  Even while we don’t have feeling of his presence, we can relish in the promise of his presence.  As we successfully draw near to God there is often a feeling, but that is not to be esteemed over his promise.  Jesus has promised never to leave us or forsake us (Hebrews 13:5). That is something to be held near and dear.  As we do, we can draw near to God.

Blessed be the Lord, rich in mercy, and full of compassion.

*It is assumed you have entered into relationship with God having been born again through the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. Likewise we recognize that the fact that we can draw near to God is based on the work that Christ has done on our behalf. For the law made nothing perfect, but the bringing in of a better hope, by which we draw nigh (near) to God. Hebrew 7:19



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